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Our Story

Jesse and I met 10 years ago working together in the same restaurant. I was a bartender and he was a chef. It was the beginning of a true industry love story. Long hours of getting slammed at work, then going out afterwards to decompress. That’s where the real conversations happen. We started talking about sharing our own vision one day. We wanted to be our own bosses, and feed people amazing restaurant quality food from a food truck.

Well, talk is talk, and that went on for years. We were always a little apprehensive to just jump right into it. It was much safer to continue working at restaurants and sustain our steady income. Enter Covid. We lost a total of 4 jobs between us almost immediately. It was quite a reality check. What do we do now? Well, no better time than the present to take that leap and do what we’ve been talking about. Luckily we had some money saved, and my brother “knew a guy in Jersey that sold school buses”. So we took a one way flight to Jersey, bought a short bus, and drove it back to Knoxville. Jesse did pretty much all of the renovations. It was truly a labor of love….then hate….then love again. And I can’t talk about this part without giving a shout out to our friend Sean, who came over many times to help Jesse out. It took about 6 months from start to finish, and there she was. Our beautiful bus. We were in love. 

Next, the menu. We started with the idea to just do brunch. We hadn’t heard of anyone else solely serving brunch from a food truck. And who would be crazy enough to poach eggs out of a truck? Us of course! We were stoked, and more importantly we were getting incredible feedback from our guests. But as creative as Jesse is, brunch just wasn’t enough. He was constantly coming up with fun, new ideas. So we branched out to 4 menus: Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch and Dinner. We now have over 50 menu items total, and counting. And don’t be bummed if something you love disappears, there’s a good chance we’ll rotate it back onto the menu down the road. 

So here we are, living our dream, and it is awesome. We couldn’t be more excited with how it’s going, and we know it’s just going to continue to grow......

Fast Forward:

It's now been 3 years since we opened our little bus, and we've leveled up! We found some investors and we've opened a second truck! This one's an 18 foot trailer in a permanent location at 1014 Sevier Ave at Southside Garage. The partnership is incredible. We're open 7 days a week! The hustle is real, and we're here for it! Sky's the limit!

 Thanks for checking us out, and if we haven’t had the chance to feed you yet, we’re looking forward to it! Cheers!

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